Monday, January 30, 2017

Allen Raynor Weblog: Re-Issue of “The Changing Culture Down Sesame Street”-Jan. 30, 2017

          Since 2007, I have had the privilege of writing and sending out weblogs on various issues pertaining to Christian living, current events, and theology.  My intent from the beginning was to help God’s people think just a little deeper about a variety of issues.  Further, it was a way to stay in touch with people in previous churches I had pastored, friends, and extended family.  My original mailing list has more than quadrupled in size.  I hope these have been an encouragement to you.  As this year marks the ten-year anniversary of these weblogs, I am going to be re-sending some throughout the year, in addition to sending out new ones.  Thank you for your encouraging words along the way and letting me know how these have been an encouragement to you.


The following weblog is from November 16, 2009.  It is one that received a lot of feedback, because, I suppose, it is on a subject that hit close to home for many people!


Allen Raynor Weblog: The Changing Culture Down Sesame Street

(Nov. 16, 2009)


          Can you believe it? Sesame Street turned 40 last week!  I was one of the millions of kids who often spent my mornings watching the colorful characters engaging in banter, projecting moral and life lessons, and generally trying to teach kids how to make the world a better place.  When I was watching Sesame Street in the mid-seventies, the issues addressed were wholesome ones such as acceptance of other races, sharing, the value of friendship, and many other worthwhile things.  But, as the culture has changed over the past 4 decades, so has Sesame Street

          Children have increasingly become the targets for indoctrination by those with various agendas.  Gone are the days of universally accepted values based on a Christian worldview.  Replacing these traditional values is a secular system of thought proclaiming the highest of virtues as “tolerance” and/or “acceptance.”  If a boy wants to be more like his mother or if a girl wants to be more like her father it is ok.  If a girl has two mommies or two daddies, it is great!  Families are anything someone proclaims them to be.  The important thing is that there is love.  Unfortunately, the homosexual rights’ activists have captured shows like Sesame Street, and others to use them as tools in the advancement of their causes.

          In commemoration of the 40th anniversary of Sesame Street, which began in 1969, DVD sets of earlier episodes are becoming available.  Interestingly enough, these DVD’s come with warning labels cautioning parents that these episodes are not for children.  Ironically, this children show’s early episodes are deemed not suitable for the current generation of children.  The reasons cited are that children are seen riding bikes without helmets; the Cookie Monster is seen gorging on cookies instead of the much healthier snacks he eats today, and Oscar the Grouch is portrayed as suffering from a personality disorder, displaying signs of depression, and is perhaps even suicidal!  I will agree that things do change over time in light of new information, but COME ON!  Political correctness is paralyzing us!  It is killing us!

          Our culture has evolved rapidly to a point that every small minority is given preferential treatment over and above the majority.  Sesame Street is far less of a trend-setter than it is a trend-follower.  It is a snapshot of what is going on in the public school system, through other television targeted at children, through children’s books, etc.  We have largely lost the freedom to be “us” anymore!  It is difficult to even have a frank and honest discussion about anything with anyone anymore!  You must fall in line.  You are welcomed, even encouraged to question or berate anything traditional, conservative, or Christian-oriented, but you are forbidden from questioning anything deemed to be politically correct or you will be maligned with venomous hatred from those on the political left.  Now, even honest, hard-working, traditional, God-fearing Americans are fearful of being unjustly labeled as racist, bigoted, or fanatically religious.  Their pseudo-solution to the problem is increasingly to be silent while liberals scream!

          Sesame Street is just one example of the many television shows which have largely lost their way and bowed to political correctness.  TV shows, too numerous to list have, one by one, cut themselves off at the knees because their writers, who are flaming left-wing liberals, are on the fringes of society having pushed and pushed and pushed to move their ideas into the mainstream.  As the old saying goes, “the squeaky wheel gets the grease.”  These fringe people on the far left are, by far the most vocal, most militant, most organized, and most galvanized in their hatred of all things traditional, while those supporting traditional values have largely been silent.  Just a couple of weeks ago, Joel Osteen, pastor of the largest congregation in America was asked an easy question on ABC’s The View, in regards to homosexuality.  He actually answered the question correctly but he did so in such a sheepish and non-reassuring manner, I am not sure if I even believe in traditional marriage anymore!!!  Just kidding, but my point is that liberals have got their bluff in on us and why, I do not know!  They are taking over everything we have, one by one, while we, for the most part, stand by and watch!

         Isn’t it time “we the people” stand up for what is right again?  If you look at all the heroic acts which were done by brave men and women to found our country and preserve our country at various points, I think they would be ashamed and appalled at how we have let it simply drift into the hands of far left extremist.  God is not political, but what we do politically is a direct reflection of what, better yet Who, rules and reigns in our hearts.  I do not buy for a minute Jimmy Carter’s oft stated argument that politics and our faith are two completely separate realms.  They are inseparable.  As a good Okie boy, like myself, would say, either it is or it ain’t!


In Christ,


Dr. Allen Raynor, Pastor


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