Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Re-Issue of “Fatherhood” - June 13, 2017

          Ten years ago today I wrote and sent out this weblog about fatherhood in honor of Father’s Day.  Sadly, the concerns I raised back then have not gotten any better – only worse.  But, over the course of this past decade I have become more and more convinced that reliance on God’s Word is the only answer for the overall decline of society. Also, I am convinced that a bible-based modeling of fatherhood, by the world’s fathers, is ground zero for changing a rapidly deteriorating society.


Allen Raynor Weblog: Fatherhood (June 13, 2007)


          In the early years of television the family was represented in a way quite different than it is today.  Instances of persons living together outside the bonds of marriage, single parenthood by choice, homosexuality, etc. were almost unthinkable.  By the 1970s television reached a critical turning point from which it has never recovered. Since that time the downward spiral has continued without mercy.  Along with America’s growing comfort level with homosexuality, cohabitation, the non-traditional family, and sex outside marriage, we have seen an increasingly hostile attitude develop towards traditional family values.  Many factors contribute to the problems we now find ourselves facing and there is no quick and easy solution.

          Perhaps more than at any other point there have been increasingly severe attacks centering upon the whole concept of fatherhood. It is not uncommon today for a woman to go to a sperm bank to become impregnated without even a man in her life.  Homosexual and lesbian couples are, in some cases, now able to adopt children.  That which would have been almost unimaginable even 20 years ago is now just part of life.  God however does have much to say about these issues.  The magnificent truth is that His voice in all of this is not just another opinion but is the definitive Word!  Rosie O’Donnell and her cohorts may think they have a corner on the truth but they most surely do not know the God of the Bible!

          Fatherhood is highly celebrated in the pages of Scripture.  Specific guidelines are given to a father as to how he should lead his family and his home.  He is never called upon to be perfect but to be God-honoring in his conduct as he raises his children up in the fear and admonition of the Lord while genuinely loving his wife.  Real men do not bow out of the picture when the going gets tough.  Instead they step up to the plate.  Our society has a lot of easy outs, or so it seems; abortion, separation, divorce, etc.  Real men do not opt for the easiest way, but the right way.

          On the positive side of things there are many men who have indeed stepped up.  Many have difficult circumstances they face on the job, at home, with extended family, with their children, and even habits they struggle with but they choose to work through it because they have made a commitment.  I recently heard about a wedding ceremony in which the couple, instead of vowing ‘til death do us part,’ vowed ‘for as long as love shall last.’  What kind of a commitment is that?  Honestly it is no commitment at all.  It is essentially saying, “I’ll stay with you as long as I feel like doing so and then I’m gone!”  I hope the wife never burns the toast, or has a bad hair day and I hope he is never late for dinner without calling or it is over!

          Men by nature love a good challenge.  Countless times in my own life I have made it my mission to do something just because someone else told me I could not do it.  Not only that, I have lived with the mantra, “If something is worth doing at all, it is worth doing right!”  There has never been anything more worthwhile than fatherhood!  There has never been anything so rewarding and fulfilling.  There has never been anything which will last so long and have a bigger impact.  Fathers, we do thank you for your investment in the lives of the next generation.  Thank you for caring.  Thank you for fulfilling your God-given responsibility and living out your God-given roles.


In Christ


Dr. Allen Raynor, Pastor

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