Our hearts go out to those killed in Monday’s
terror attack at a concert in Manchester, England. It is very difficult
for the average person to understand why people would do things like this to
other people. Those coming from a Judeo-Christian worldview are not going
to really grasp it at all apart from understanding evil and the place from
which evil originates.
Terrorism seems to violate everything Christians have been taught both
explicitly and implicitly from childhood. Believers in Christ are
completely aware that actions of this sort violate all Christian teaching and
practice. Jesus taught to treat others in the manner you yourself wish to
be treated. Also, that love is the fulfillment of the law and that we are
to love our neighbor as ourselves. Believers in Christ often fall short
of Gods glory, but there are clearly those in this world, operating and
laboring on behalf of another god.
The politically correct response to this latest barbarity is to say that most
Muslims are peaceful, and do not condone such behavior. That may or
may not be true; however ex-Muslims, authors, and other experts on Islam have
consistently maintained that today’s radical expressions of Islamic terrorism
(I.S.I.S) are much more consistent with the actual words/teachings of the Koran
and the life and beliefs of Islam’s founder Muhammad. Are there
really peaceful Muslims? Yes, but we must conclude it is in spite of
the teachings of the Koran rather than because of them.
Christians are taught, and should believe, that Jesus is the Prince
of Peace and that no true peace can be found anywhere but in Him.
Further, there will be no lasting peace among mankind until the
millennial reign of Christ where all nations will be in submission to
Him. No treaty or accord will ever achieve lasting peace in the Middle
Some Christians tend not to want to take
the good news of Jesus to people who are seemingly convinced, confirmed, and at
peace in another religion/faith. But, Muslims have been deceived by the
evil one – Satan. Unless their eyes are opened to the truth of Scripture
and they confess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior they will face eternity
in Hell. Jesus could not have been more explicit when he said “I am the
Way, the Truth, and the Life; No man comes to the Father except through
Me.” (John 14:6)
Islam is the epitome of works-based salvation and man trying to achieve it by
his efforts. There is no appeal to God’s grace in their religion, but instead
attempts to try and impress their god. The most ultimate expression comes
in making an offering of themselves in the battle against the West. They
have it all backwards. Satan has completely scrambled the truth and got
them to believe lies. It is Jesus Christ Who died for us so that
we do not have to pay the penalty for our own sin, and furthermore we do not
have to offer our life for Him in order to attain salvation.
Instead we are to present our bodies as a “living” sacrifice holy and acceptable
unto Him (Rom. 12:1). This is said to be the “reasonable” standard of
service for us to give.
Muslim men are promised 70 virgins when they die in jihad as, for instance, a
suicide bomber. Where do they get the guts to do such a thing even with a
false hope imprinted on their minds? When pieced together terrorism
investigators have discovered, as it turns out, that many of these suicide
bombers have visited strip clubs only hours before carrying out their gruesome
acts. They apparently had to get themselves hyped up and aroused sexually
in order to find the pseudo-courage to give their life for the cause of jihad
and Allah. Interestingly the sacrifice is supposed to be for Allah, but
evidence shows the “70 virgins” were more likely captivating their
thoughts. Contrast all of this with Scripture’s admonishment to flee
youthful (immature) lusts. Christians desire Heaven because Christ our
Savior is there and the rewards we will receive are secondary to simply seeing
our Savior’s face and bowing down before Him, the One Who has saved us by His
amazing grace. No such belief exists in Islam. The desire/lust the
concert terrorist bombers had on Monday will exist for all of eternity and will
never be quenched.
Hell in the Scripture is described as a place of unquenchable flames, unbridled
desire, deep regret, all perpetually unfulfilled. For all of eternity
those in Hell will lust and desire for things to bring them comfort, but will
never see it be fulfilled. Suicide bombers are giving up their earthly
lives in pursuit of a lie of Satan.
Scripture emphasizes greatly the importance of children and the special place
they hold. Jesus even said “of such (referring to children) is the
kingdom of Heaven.” Why would bombers target children at a concert as
opposed to others, such as full-grown adults? Ultimately, we can only
speculate; however it would seem that each terrorist act has an aspect to it
where the latest terrorist is trying to strike just a little more fear than the
one before him. They do not want people to feel safe at home, in public,
or anywhere else. Just like Satan himself, the terrorist seek to take
away the peace that Jesus offers as a free gift; the peace that passes all
The hope for all mankind is in the person and work of Jesus Christ. No
matter whether children or adults, Westerners or Easterners, male or female,
the only hope of anyone is repentance from sin and receiving of Jesus Christ as
Lord and Savior.
In Christ,
Dr. Allen Raynor
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